A Beautiful Mind, an Autism Mind

Most moms dread having "the talk" with their little boys. They dread the day when their little boy isn't so little anymore. Well, although I'm sure I will, when the day comes, dread that talk as well. The talk that I dread most, though, is one that seems to be creeping up on me. It's … Continue reading A Beautiful Mind, an Autism Mind

Making Mommy Friends in a Judgmental Society

A Motivational Monday Post

Sometimes you just need to say F*** It! (A say anything Saturday post)

Remember when we were kids, and we had to place a quarter or whatever into the swear jar? Well, break out that swear jar, mama, because we are about to toss a few bucks into it. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: What is society's obsession with wanting "put-together" mothers? They want … Continue reading Sometimes you just need to say F*** It! (A say anything Saturday post)

1000 Miles Apart, but Always in the Heart

"Oooooooklahoma where the winds come sweeping down the plains," where the heat is intense, the buffalo roam, and where my husband and I are raising our kids 1000 miles away from our families. The four years since moving from Wisconsin to Oklahoma has been an adventure for sure. The things we have gotten used to … Continue reading 1000 Miles Apart, but Always in the Heart

Wine and Dine Wednesday (a Pinterest inspired meal)

Ever feel like you are rushing around making 6 different meals for dinner, and by the time you are done making meals for everyone else, yours is cold? Ever have those days where you really just need some husband wife time, but you have 4 feral children, so finding a sitter is damn near impossible? … Continue reading Wine and Dine Wednesday (a Pinterest inspired meal)